
HeartShare Club Policies 2024


  1. Membership Policy 
  1. Information                                                                                                         1. Maximum number of members per term: 40                                                                      2. Membership fee: $20/month a. Sibling discount: $15/child                                                      3. New members when spaces available- filled out application, interview/ orientation
  2. Interview – Students will be interviewed as a group or individually                                             1. Students must attend the orientation before attending at the assigned volunteer location.
  1. Parents must be informed by students about the club information.                               3. Fill out application                                                                                                    4. Go over policies
  1. Duty – Volunteering includes nursing home art service, various events hosted by InArt, and community clean-up efforts needed by InArt (street cleaning, cleaning areas where the homeless live, beach cleaning, InArt School classrooms, cleaning the CXU gallery, Park cleaning, etc.), and helping single mothers.”
  1. Inter-club Relationship Policy                                                                                    No intimate relationships between HeartShare Club members. Members who violate this policy will be suspended for the remainder of the term. Also applies at Inart
  2. Absences
  1. Absence Rule                                                                                                 1. Maximum number of absences allowed for service (including fundraiser exhibitions) is 10 whether they are due to sickness, excused or unexcused.                                                                   2. HeartShare fundraisers exhibitions held once per term are mandatory.
  1. Absence Form
  1. Absence form turned in at least 3 days in advance prior to absence is automatically approved unless the supervisor objects.
  2. Absence forms that are not turned in a week in advance will not be approved until the board agrees it can be approved.
  3. If in case of emergency the student cannot physically turn in the absence form, he/she can take a picture of the form and send it to the supervisor or any of the Head Row members via text/email by that MONDAY.
  4. It is the students’ responsibility to contact the club supervisor if they will be absent, NOT THE PARENTS’.
  5. An absence will not be officially excused until a physical copy of the form is turned in.
  6. Absence forms must be turned in 2 weeks following the date of absence if given through message/picture to the supervisor
  1. Consequences
  1. Unexcused Absences – when students do not turn in an absence form or do not contact the supervisor via phone call/text.
  2. Students will have a maximum of 3 unexcused absences.
  3. After the 3rd unexcused absence, the student will be asked to leave the club.
  4. It is the students’ responsibility to check their unexcused absences.
  5. After the student’s 2nd unexcused absence, board members must notify the students.
  1. Exceptions
  1. If a student is sick, the students or parents should contact the club supervisor by 9 a.m. of the service day. (preferably via text)
  2. Any other emergencies should be informed by 9.a.m.

III. Community Service Hours 

  1. Regular Volunteering Hours
  1. 3 hours total including service, meeting, and service report
  1. Service: 1.5 hours
  2. Meeting: 1 hour
  3. Service Report: 0.5 hour (within a week by next service)
  1. If the student attends one or two of the following, then he/she will only receive hours for that category.
  2. Students must notify the supervisor if they are only able to attend the service or meeting.
  1. Service Reports                                                                                                         1. Students must submit a service report within a week until Friday 11:59 p.m
  1. If the student has a technical issue, he/she must email the service report to heartshareclub.la@gmail.com

III. Tardies 

  1. If a student knows that he/she will be late due to traffic, the student must contact the member in charge/supervisor at the assigned location within the first 15 minutes of service. Any excuse after the first 15 minutes will be counted as tardy.
  2. Consequences
  3. Students will only receive 0.5 hours of credit for service if he/she is late (10 minutes after service has begun.
  4. Cellphones
  5. Cell Phones/electronic devices must not be used during service hours, including the meeting, at all times unless otherwise stated.
  6. Behavior– Excluding tardies, absences, and cellphones. 
  7. Students are required to behave properly at all times both during the service and the meeting.
  8. Students must wear a HeartShare shirt or apparel during service unless otherwise stated.
  9. Apparel: long pants; long hair tied up; closed toes shoes; nothing must be worn over the HSC shirt
  10. Trash Duty
  11. People who are assigned trash duty will be responsible to clean up the entire HSC room before leaving.
  12. Must vacuum the floor.
  13. Must empty trash can
  14. Must be the last people in the room

VII. Head Row 

The nominees will shadow the current board members. The official voting process for the following term’s head row will begin on the first Saturdays of January and May and September.

  1. Requirements:
  1. President must have had at least two terms of experience on head row, Must have been in the club for at least 24months.
  2. Vice presidents must have had at least one term of experience on head row, Must have been in the club for at least 12months.
  3. Secretary/Publicist/Treasurer board members must have been in the club for at least 5 months
  4. All board members must have no unexcused absences
  5. All board members must not have had more than 4 excused absences during term of nomination
  6. If none of the nominees meet the requirements, the current head row will vote from the nominee pool
    1. Head row will choose the nominee who best meets the requirements.
  1. President
  1. Runs the meeting
  2. Final say on decisions
  3. Organizes HeartShare documents both online and physical.
  1. Vice- President
  1. Takes the role of president if he/she is absent.
  2. Is in charge of the respective service site.
  3. Notifies members at least a day before service about next week’s activities.
  4. Updates total hour log and checks service reports


  1. Secretary

1.Writes a meeting log on Google Doc.

2.Uploads meeting logs to H.S.C. website

  1. Treasurer
  1. Collects membership fee from the students every first Saturday of the month.
  2. Organizes funds if needed.
  1. Fundraising Director
  1. Organizes the fundraising event after group discussion
  2. Leads the group during the event
  3. Chooses own cabinet members during the event
  1. Publicist
  1. Uploads photos from volunteer services and events.
  2. Advertises HeartShare events.
  3. Designs and maintains HeartShare online platforms (Instagram and website).
  1. Sample Team
  1. Creates samples for future projects.
  2. Make a project catalog.
  3. Updates inventory.
  4. Chooses members to come assist.
  1. Consequences

➢If a member from the head row continues to misbehave after three warnings from the supervisor, he/she may be removed from their position.

**Ultimately, the founder of the organization and the supervisor have the final say on all decisions. All decisions must be approved by both.